Python Guides

Function Parameters and Arguments in Python

An in-depth look at function parameters and arguments, and how to use them. 2.0 changes

Changes and new features in version 2.0 of

VPS and Free Hosting Service for Discord bots

This article lists recommended VPS services and covers the disasdvantages of utilising a free hosting service to run a discord bot.

Subclassing Context in

Subclassing the default `commands.Context` class to add more functionability and customizability.

Why JSON is unsuitable as a database

The many reasons why you shouldn't use JSON as a database, and instead opt for SQL.

Mutability and Immutability in Python

Mutable and immutable data types: what they are and how they work.

Proper error handling in

Are you not getting any errors? This might be why!

Keeping Discord Bot Tokens Safe

How to keep your bot tokens safe and safety measures you can take.

How to host a bot with Docker and GitHub Actions on Ubuntu VPS

This guide shows how to host a bot with Docker and GitHub Actions on Ubuntu VPS Learning Guide

A learning guide for the bot framework written by members of our community.

Discord Embed Limits

A guide that shows the limits of embeds in Discord and how to avoid them.

Setting Different Statuses on Your Bot

How to personalize your Discord bot status

Subclassing Bot

Subclassing the `Bot` class to add more functionality and customizability.

Discord Messages with Colors

A guide on how to add colors to your codeblocks on Discord

Custom Help Command

Overwrite's help command to implement custom functionality

Fixing an SSL Certificate Verification Error

A guide on fixing verification of an SSL certificate.